About me

Profile Björn Eberhardt
Name: Björn Eberhardt
Age: 34 years
Size: 1.92 m
Weight: 64 kg
Photos: Photo 1 Photo 2
My School
School: Gymnasium Lohbrügge, Hamburg
Year: 13
Latest school report: 1.9 (12 points out of 15)
Diploma forecast: 1.8
Specialized in: applied science
Favourite subject: any subject
The most favourite: Spanish
No, the subject
with the best marks!
computer sciences
My Hobbies
At the computer: robotics, applied computer sciences, internet, web design
Leisure: piano, rowing, tennis, dancing
My Preferences
Favourite music: Nightwish, Manowar, Linkin Park, Evanescence and classics
Soundtracks by: Michael Moore, Michael Brook, Hans Zimmer, James Bond, Star Wars
Favourite books: currently: Harry Potter
Favourite movie: An Inconvenient Truth
Favourite saying: Education is a slow process.
It gets slower and slower, and
before the end, it comes to a
halt (Björn, April 21st 2007)
I like: exams *yeah*, school, education,
spanish :-), basically every subject
I dislike: free hours, boredom, smoking, alcohol and drugs