Björn Eberhardt
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Adjusting the three light sensors in ranges of half-millimetersRobotics in the Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg is a very exciting topic, and has over many years become a passion. In the beginning, the task was to make a simple LEGO brick drive, but quickly the initial task developed to a hard competition to build the fastest robot.

Modified RoverBot with screenSo far, everything has been easy, but if one really wants to construct the best robot, aesthetics are irrelevant. Shift, gear extension, features, positioning of the sensors count, and what is most important of all: the programming!Björn at the award ceremony

Robots are programmed in a very easy, reduced language. The program flow is clearly arranged, but the object orientation that structures the programs, is not available. On the contrary:Asuro (front view)

In robots programming, there is no space for understandability for humen. Kilobits (not kilobytes) is the only all-dominant measuring unit, and after a week I don't know exactly for myself, how my program is built up.

Group photo of the robotics course 2006/07
Group photo of the robotics course 2006/07

In this year's competition, my program wasn't finished in time for that reason (3 minutes too late), but for the first time in history, an Asuro (mine!) passed the labyrinth in full speed, twenty seconds faster than everything else. They have been throttled, as their programs would have thrown them out of the track long ago. Now, programming is still the most important...

Here are some pictures of the robotics course 2007/08.

Metamorphosis RCX (initial state)Metamorphosis RCX (light searching mutation)Angled journey of an RCX exemplar RCX finds its enlightenmentOne should note the continuously adjustable locking of the bumperEfficient employment of screen and sliding contact (RoverBot modification)

...moreover, it offers an opportunity to get known to many new friends to talk with them about the newest stuff of IT for the rest of your life.

Group photo of the robotics course 2007/08
Gruppenfoto vom Robotik-Kurs 2007/08

And finally some more exemplars of the robotics course 2006/07.

Disobeyed the right of way: rear-end collision accident (my fault)Another RoverBot with screenT-0:00:06 seconds until start (second place)15x10-²ms-¹ causes motion blur On its way to nowhereJustin and Björn at the award ceremony
Our team's model (Björn Kähler & Björn Eberhardt) has left the track on the right photo. With three light sensors it can detect this, and is already on the way back to the track.